Not to be Messed With

This was an age, where high popularity was often traded off with zero privacy. Zhao Youyue, also known as Ah Yu, invaded the headlines again!

Almost everybody called her Ah Yu. Few even knew of her real name.

A broadcaster's nickname concealed the real-life identity of the person, similar to authors and their pen names. Of course, hardcore fans would know every single trivia about Zhao Youyue.

Even so, most of Zhao Youyue's identity was still a veiled mystery. Some had deduced that she was some rich man's daughter, but they did not know to what extent…

This time, Zhao Youyue had been photographed with Ding Yuncong in his supercar. It soon took the internet by storm. Without any plausible explanations floating about, people started commented like so…

"Ding Yuncong was born rich, how could he appear in a photo with Lady Ah Yu? Is he a fan?"

"Ding Yuncong is now Lady Ah Yu's chauffeur? Her identity is obviously beyond my imagination!"