All Talk and No Write...

Of course Han Leng would think that way. If Zhao Youyue could write well, she would not have asked for his help from the beginning. In addition to her musings, many of the scripts for her speeches given under the national flag had been written by Han Leng.

As a result of this, many unsuspecting students believed that Zhao Youyue's literary skills were exceptionally good. She had a flowery way with words that was of extraordinary standards. Who would have thought that a ghostwriter lurked in the shadows behind Zhao Youyue?

Previously, when Han Leng was in the same class as Zhao Youyue, he had taken a look at her written essays, out of curiosity. One glance at the cover page told him that her essays were far better than his. Everything was concise and conclusive. Her handwriting was beautifully neat. Although her writing style lacked substance, it pleased the eyes of high school examiners...