Give Me Some Face

Facts have proven that Zhao Youyue's small setbacks could easily be solved, because she currently had a good standing in Qidian. As long as she asked someone to give her some face[1], they would surely do it.

She directly contacted a certain city's entertainment platinum giant named, "Softshell Turtle." He had managed to sign a platinum contract – courtesy of his book, "All-rounder Superstar." His book was simply put - badly written. Its selling point was the endless streams of shocking plot twists and turnarounds. As long as the readers held their breaths and read on, they would be able to feed off a retarded form of enjoyment and sink deeper into brain death.

Ever since Master Softshell Turtle became a god, his updates stopped. However, the popularity of his book remained unaffected. Even though he was constantly ridiculed and berated by countless readers, it did not stop him from making money.