The Truth

Only one life had been lost thus far, and that was Liu Kang. Undoubtedly, the others had been played as fools…

Chu Renmei was not in any hurry to kill them all. She even intended to let them go. This was not due to her kindness, and she was most definitely not soft-hearted. She had better plans for them.

Perhaps Chu Renmei felt that they had more fear to offer. Therefore, she chose to let them return to the city, albeit with contaminated bodies.

Such situations often played out in horror movies. A group of people went to explore a particular place. That place was something like "The Cursed Land." Basically, anyone who there would be bugged with 'tracking devices.'

This group was no exception. Their bodies had all been cursed. Let's not even try to forget that they had eaten Liu Kang's flesh. What chance did they have, now?