Perfectly Cleansed

This brainless novel was simple, crude, carnal. Zhao Youyue certainly would not put Su Li the great killing weapon to use. Su Li would die of brain death before she finishes…

Zhao Youyue braced herself, bit down the embarassment, and shut down portions of her brain to bulldoze through the pages. This was how she charged through anything unfavorable coming from the "Two Dimensional Gate." After all, she needed to complete a book before she could deliver her final verdict upon it.

She could immediately abandon some works and save herself time.

"God Level Leader" was one such tasteless piece. At most, it gave the writer just enough to survive. It was absolutely impossible for this work to be outstanding. Nothing could be salvaged from the plot, and no character cards would probably accompany Zhao Youyue on her way out.

Therefore, it was truly unnecessary to continue wasting her time.