A Wake-up Call

Zhao Youyue had been in a "spirited away" state as of late. She was almost using the "Two Dimensional Gate" as a boundless life simulation game. She spent her days in it, hoping to get more character cards. However, why has her luck been so downright rotten?

This was not entirely true. She had learned much from her experiences. By experiencing the lives of different characters, she had grown substantially. She now gave off a different feeling, as if she was practiced and seasoned.

Perhaps this was why she seemed to be more easy-going and calm in reality now. The charm of her personality was now on a whole new level.

Returning to the state of side-character was her new zone. In fact, it had given her the peace and quiet to constantly learn about the capabilities of her various character cards and strengthen her foundations. The road to heroinedom was just a switch away!