Let Us Begin A New Wuxia Journey!

Time flew. "The Law of Humane Justice," the new DLC of "Tale of Wuxia 3: Swords of the Future" piled up on shelves. Many PC streamers jumped on the bandwagon. Among them was resilient Wu Shun the steady. He claimed himself to be a "guide maker with a conscience," while his viewers affectionately called him rookie wannabe.

Being a rookie was fine. He was a patient, resilient, hardy rookie who pursued his goals with dogged determination that not even experts could emulate.

His spirit left many intrigued, confused, and doubtful of humanity. Perhaps he was just as claimed, a masochist. His fetish aside, nobody could argue that the euphoria of success far outweighed any amount of frustration that led to the moment, if any!

Talented, skilled players could never experience such happiness. In return, such difficult games gave them a different sensation. The sense of superiority.