Whiter Than Snow

Gu Long had described "The Duel" [1] in his novel as this –

"Because he (Cool-son Yeh [2]) suddenly felt the unexplainable aura of a sword, and it was as if an invincible mountain had fallen upon him.

 His pupils dilated, his muscles tensed.

No one other than Xi Men Chui Xue [2] could give him such pressure.

 By the time he saw Xi Men Chui Xue, his body had frozen up.

Xi Men Chui Xue had a sword in his hand, but his sword remained in its sheath. However, that aura he once felt no longer emanated from it.

 He was far keener and sharper than his blade.

 Their gazes met, like the edges of two swords meeting.

Neither of them moved a muscle. This kind of motionless pressure was however strong and frightening.

The wind carried an unsuspecting leaf between them. It quickly fell like dead weight. Even the wind could not blow it away.

 It was intangible and invisible.

 "Did you study the sword?" Xi Men Chui Xue asked.