Left Just Like That

After Zhao Youyue washed up, she carefully applied sunscreen to parts of her body that might get exposed to the sun. Of course, she was using top-quality products that guaranteed excellent results. Her mother had recommended some of them.

Prior to this, Wang Hua had nagged at her daughter in various ways. She felt that her daughter would definitely be unable to handle the "harsh conditions" in the girls' dormitory. She had also said that the military training would be even more difficult. If Zhao Youyue was not confident about it, she could seek help from her great mother - the assistant dean of the liberal arts school.

In actuality, Wang Hua wanted Zhao Youyue to seek help and put her privilege to good use. After all, as a member of the Zhao family, there was really no need for her to suffer like all the other freshmen. What was the point?