Special Response to Questions

"Greetings student Zhao, I am the president of University News society, Cao Chuanguang. On behalf of the university, it is my honor to interview you. What do you think about military training?" Cao Chuanguang rolled the ball deftly.

He may have decided to court Zhao Youyue, but he took things slow. The game has to start off with a proper introduction and casual conversation. He had to do it right. No matter what happens, it was the utmost priority to get close with Zhao Youyue. That would almost guarantee her contact number in return.

Zhao Youyue had been through countless interviews. This president of University New society was a fool to ask such a stiff question. Military training was completely pointless, but Zhao Youyue had to take the popular answer, " I think military training is good. It instills discipline. It is necessary, and I enjoyed my training. I will do my best."