Escalation of Contradictory

Zhao Youyue did not always take her mom's car home every time. Sometimes, Wang Hua had night classes and school paperwork to complete. It was understandable for a woman in her position.

Due to this, Zhao Youyue had Uncle Liu fetch her instead. He would pick her up in the shopping streets not far away from the schools, away from the school gates. Apparently, they had not been discreet enough.

Zhao Youyue had never once revealed her position to others in the school. Naturally, those who had something against her would send their minds to the gutter. This world was extremely harsh to beautiful girls. Every bad news would mostly be related to beautiful girls. The slightest sliver of thread would instantly put them under suspicion.

As a passerby, Zhao Youyue would never be the subject of rumors such as "being spoon-fed by rich guys" or "prostitute." As time passed in the military training, she started to stand out. Rumors quickly followed.