Smelly Dormitory

Zhao Youyue's roommate, He Weiwei had most certainly aligned herself with the Lady as well. The longer she knew Zhao Youyue, the more she understood that Lady Zhao's identity was not that simple afterall.

When He Weiwei returned to her dormitory, she coincidentally heard her classmate Zhong Xiaoli - from the dormitory to the opposite of hers, talking loudly about the Zhao Youyue rumors. Fate had given her the hearing to pick that up. Fate had given Zhong Xiaoli the ability to milk and splice rumors. It was people like Zhong Xiaoli that was why the rumors spread at an increasing rate on each passing day.

Zhong Xiaoli was basically announcing to her room, "Zhao Youyue next door is really misbehaving. Classes have not even begun, and she is already causing trouble during military training. This is a disgrace to our Chinese Studies. I'm now starting to doubt how she got in here. With that beauty, it doesn't take much to imagine. A trade must have been made."