
"It's Du Hang." Du Hang was a little embarrassed to call himself an author in front of Lady Zhao. He did not have any notable light novels under his belt, yet.

"Isn't your real name Du Hang? You don't have a pen name?" Both names sounded just the same, and it confused Zhao Youyue.

"No, that is not my own name. This is Du, as in 'crossing,'" Du Hang explained.

"Oh, I see… What is your novel's title? I will pay it a visit when I am free." Zhao Youyue pressed, gently yet imposingly.

Du Hang was reluctant to answer. He did not really like the idea of promoting his work openly. After all, it was just a hobby, and it gave him some pocket money. Famous or otherwise, he still had fans of his own.

"You don't have to be polite about it. If it is good enough to be popular, you would have known about it. If you read it just to be polite, it would not benefit either one of us." Du Hang went straight to the point.