The Biggest Winner of It All

After finished reading the book, Zhou Xing felt that he had been thoroughly fascinated by "sis," both as an actress and a person. He lamented ------ Why did such a perfect actress have to die so early? This was the misfortune of misfortunes!

Zhang Guorong had been written as a "Lily-type" character who was deeply in love with the strong woman, "Lady Tang Tang." Zhou Xing did not have any qualms about that. It was a beautiful sight. No man deserved such a perfect lady.

This was the typical possessive nature of a fan. When fans knew that it was impossible to claim their idols for themselves, they would hope that no other man could make that claim either. Girl on girl action? Sure, no problem! After all, true love could only exist between two of the same gender. Opposite genders? They only existed to produce the next generation of talents…