The Unspoken Rules

Nie Suzi was an ambitious, popular idol. Plus, no matter how much the media lambasted her, film directors had never once doubted her attitude as a professional actress. Never once has she failed to fulfill a film director's request in a movie.

Most people did not know this. They thought that she was just another idol with a pretty face. After all, she was a longtime member of an idol group.

The media soon focused on this youth idol drama, since this was a partnership between Xue Lu and Nie Sizu. Xue Lu was confident that Nie Sizu performance alone would guarantee the movie a spot in the blockbuster list.

Nie Sizu was the most famous member of the idol group ABC48. While her haters were numerous, her fans far outnumbered that number. Best of all, she actually had more fangirls than fanboys! Lastly, her fans had no qualms about spending money on every merchandise related to her!