Steady Driving

Zhao Hao did not believe it for a second, not even when he was slightly drunk. His disbelief only doubled when he heard that she would be making her debut in mountain racing, which was said to be very technical. Even so, he trusted his sister enough to know that none of her tales were tall. She had a knack of concealing her potential until the last minute, before going off with a bang, scaring everyone else shitless.

Zhao Hao would never forget the day when she had gently giggled over his shoulder during one of his "League of Legends" playthrough, like a tinkling bell chime. In the end, she had taken his seat and played for a bit, obliterating the opponent's team in a one-sided battle.

This had left Zhao Hao in shock, but this was also why he gave her the benefit of the doubt and decided that she was just hiding her skills again.