A Still Surface Belies a Troubled Heart

Zhao Hao's mother should be thanking Zhao Youyue. The Lady had successfully cured Zhao Hao's age-old hobby of underground racing. In the future, she would no longer have to worry about him getting into car accidents.

Zhao Hao had vehemently denied Chen Yilong's wishes, but he kept it in his heart. He would never sit in his sister's car again, ever, if she decides to start racing. If there are any volunteer replacements, please, do so!

Fortunately for Zhao Hao, Chen Yilong was distracted by the massive crowd that had gathered around them. They gazed at Zhao Youyue as if she was the racing messiah.

Zhao Youyue had grown accustomized to crowds and being the center of attention. Rather, she embraced such attention, as befitting of a main character. What's the point of putting so much effort into the "Two Dimensional Gate" if it did not garner her any recognition?