Unremarkable Side-Character

In the source world of the "Witcher" game series.

Olivia was only three, but she was currently immersed in the library of the Kingdom of Cintra, all by herself. She had activated a certain "book-eating" skill and was eagerly absorbing the knowledge of this source world.

By looking at the structure of the books alone, anyone could tell that this world's papermaking and printing technologies were quite developed. These books had not been handwritten, they had been printed. Of course there were also handwritten books, but those were pretty much precious ancient books.

It took a week before Olivia mastered the universal language of this world, much to the surprise of her elders. Her aged teacher immediately deemed her a genius. In actuality, she had only taken a day to master the language. Of course, this was because the game system came with a translation function...