Ten Years Old

The aftermath of the shipwreck incident slowly subsided, but the storm had not yet settled. Olivia, who had a new father, appeared to be even more disliked by her grandmother, Queen Calanthe. She felt that Olivia's actions meant something like 'recognizing a thief as your own father.'

No matter what, Crach, who was responsible for receiving the Princess of Cintra's family was also responsible for this loss.

Queen Calanthe was certain that Olivia's 'gentle' personality would never bring her anywhere in life. The only person who could succeed to the throne of the Kingdom of Cintra and rule over the Kingdom was her eldest grandchild – Cillira.

At first, Olivia began to receive a traditional standard of education together with Cirilla. However, such lessons did not benefit her. She had already learned much from Vilgefortz.