It's Not That Bad Having A Daughter~

Now, why is Geralt in shocked silence?

He had initially thought that this frail, little girl had fallen under the bewitchery of the foglers. There was no better way to justify her sudden, mindless rush!

That's right. That's what any professional mind would conclude. A little girl would only get shredded by the least of all Necrophages!

Regular folk would never stand up against the claws of foglers, not unless they've come across 'Hunters' from 'Resident Evil.' Of course, the foglers' diminutive size did not seem very intimidating. It was their shadow clone jutsu that turned them infinitely far deadlier!

They could play hide and seek as their opponents tired out. Then, they would strike!

Geralt never expected the little girl to perform actual, trained tumbles and roll behind the foglers, jamming her wind blade into their backs!

If someone had played "Tales of Wuxia 3" in this world, they would recognize the most basic of abilities - backstab!