Massacre of Cintra

The "Battle of Marnadal" had brought Cintra to the ground. Across the river, The King of Verden trembled in fear. The so-called betrothal between Prince of Kistrin and Princess Olivia had turned into a complete joke.

Princess Olivia, the "Pearl of the Northern Kingdoms," the dreams of many princes was going to be the princess of a fallen nation. Would anyone still want her?

Well, there was. It was Prince Hjalmar from the Skellige Isles. He had actually volunteered to participate in the war of the Cintra Kingdom against the Nilfgaardian Empire. At the Battle of Mardanal, he had fought like a lion, forcing Calanthe to acknowledge him...

Hjalmar's love for Olivia was pure and true, and his actions proved it. However, one man could only do so much. Considering the fact that he could actually walk away from the "Battle of Marnadal" with his life, it was nothing short of a miracle.