The Source World's Temporary Closure

Olivia's silver long hair that covered her entire back stood out like the sun. Along with her perfect face, she was simply like a real Barbie doll. Her clothing was exquisite and unique, which one at a glance could tell - had been custom tailored - probably self-designed. It was a relatively compact mini dress. She was like the most qualified heroine there…

At this rate, the witchers were basically acting as her servants. Most oddly, they seemed very willing to become servants. After all, Olivia had revealed some of her grand plan to them, convincing them that even witchers could live more comfortable lives, and they now had a chance for a better future.

Thanks to Olivia's careful planning, Triss had experienced a most satisfyingly warm welcome. Her first impression towards this very famous "Northland Pearl" Princess Olivia was good, to say the least.