The Purest Purpose

"Beautiful April" was not destined to be some great movie. Yet, prior to its release, so many have discussed it that even those who did not know of it became drawn to the crowd.

Admittedly, there were some great scenes. Lady Zhao was at least responsible for 80% of it…

"Beautiful April" was probably one of the least anticipated movies, among all the upcoming releases. The icon of the movie would be acted out by some internet singer celebrity. These were telltale signs of a disaster!

"They're just in it for the money. Greedy bastards. No sense of integrity whatsoever. I've never seen such hate for a movie, even prior to release. At least, I am glad to know that our viewers still have standards and tastes. We will not be deceived by trash productions."

"I pity the star of his generation - Liu Xingxing. This is his first ever feature film role, and his career is going to be ruined. This was never his fault. The powers that will be have been misused…"