No Such Thing As True Love

Perhaps, Zhao Youyue's magnificent aura was too strong for ordinary people to get close to her.

Most of them would rather remain at a safe distance, surveying her from their perches.

However, those who actually got to know Zhao Youyue would soon learn that she was far more amicable than one might think. She had her own methods of mixing with friends from different classes.

Perhaps it was just an illusion. Yes, she was friendly, but it was impossible for anyone to walk into her heart.

Despite this powerful aura, admirers with stronger wills still attempted to court her.

This was not bravery. This was not persistence. This was folly. It was a norm for Lady Zhao to receive at least one banquet of flower every week. She would never learn of its sender's name. Perhaps, the hoped that Lady Zhao would find out who it was when the flower-gifting stopped.