Happy Cooperation

In the beginning, Prince Kistrin was undoubtedly very flattered. He even could not help but start imagining things. Was this "Northland Pearl" interested in him who was once her fiance? Unfortunately, he had fallen victim to yet another political marriage, albeit one far less desirable. Even so, he could not help but made the most of his imagination, such as what he and Princess Olivia could have named their child…

Guys were like this. A girl could so much as flash a smile in their direction, and they would claim it to be an act of fate. They would be led into the most outlandish of fantasies. So, why were girls getting so much flak? Well, they gave off far too many false hints, didn't they? Gentle girls were particularly guilty of this crime. Their gentleness was not only limited to one guy, but to everyone around them. Thus, such kindness always got guys on a wild goose chase.