Fishing in Troubled Waters

Facts have shown that fate had entwined Yennefer and Cirilla together. They had a rough start but eventually learned more about each other and became like mother and daughter.

In the process, Yennefer truly started to view Cirilla as her daughter and would do almost anything for her. On the contrary, the word "mother" rolled off Olivia's tongue with buttery smoothness, but it was just a word.

Yennefer was also very critical of Olivia's enthusiasm of introducing more sorceresses to the White Wolf. Moreover, she sensed Olivia's immense thirst for power. She was almost like a female Emperor Emhyr.

The difference that separated Olivia and the Emperor was the former having technology - a product of combining science and magic that was ahead of its time.

Yennefer took her two daughters to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander for further studies. In the temple, there was not only magic, but also the mystery of divinity.