Contacting The Author

How was "Endless Apocalypse" original?

Let's determine what makes an Apocalyptic work original. Most works of this genre involved human beings turning into zombies. These zombies were divided into different levels. The human survivors, in turn, would awaken their latent supernatural abilities. They would blow up zombies' brains and consume them to level up. The apocalyptical novel would end up as "a hunting monsters to level up" novel in the guise of an apocalyptical novel.

Tasteless as it was, these novels were awfully simple to produce. Many readers seemed to have accepted the influx of such cliched 'Qi Training – Foundation Training – Spiritual State – Yuan Ying [1]'. They took the same mindset to this genre.

Undoubtedly, such homogenized, commercialized writing would never be anything close to being iconic. After all, it was essentially a leveling-based novel. The readers might as well read some isekai that provided a more exhilarating experience.