Lady Zhao the Authoritarian

Zhao Youyue was always highly passionate and friendly to writers she valued. In this case, the person before her would most definitely produce another icon, not to mention that the person just so happened to be her senior. Thus, she cordially invited Professor Chen to dine with her.

Chen Chen was equally willing to get closer to Lady Zhao. She may be the rare breed of writer who turned an eye away from worldly success, but she was not altogether clueless about how the world worked.

Sadly, everyone could not help but slightly mock those who spoke about the "members of the Zhao family." They all believed that this bunch of demigods were reincarnations of the great heroes of old. However, when actual "members of the Zhao family" extended the olive branch towards you, many would gladly accept, provided that they were of sound mind. Just breathing the same air as a "member of the Zhao family" would already be a blessing.