The Genius Scientist

Like before, the attributes of Zhang Yanwei had been set rather high up. Of all, her research ability was maxed out. Zhao Youyue suddenly felt sharper, brighter, more intelligent. She viewed things differently now! There was that analytical, cold, calculative voice in her head, telling her to get to work! Add on her already substantial imagination to that, we've got a magical character in our hands…

A three-dimensional human might not be able to even comprehend what the fifth-dimension was, not even in the slightest. But Zhang Yanwei had a perfect imagery of it in her mind. And with the fifth dimension, pesky little things like space, time, all would accessible in physical form. It was most probably why she was able to see the future and alternate worlds.

In another world line, Zhang Yanwei would just be a passerby character. The true "protagonists" were members of the Endless Squad, who were here in this apocalypse world, taking the form of saviors.