A Beautiful Garbage Bin

Girls who are in love, like Su Li, would get awfully sensitive and jealous towards potential competitors, especially when it had something to do with Lady Zhao, who clearly preferred girls to boys. Plus, this Master PhD was beautiful and talented.

After Su Li took a good look and felt that she was not as beautiful as she was, and her legs are short, she was positive that Lady Zhao would never be attracted to girls lesser than her.

Apparently, Zhao Youyue would not fall in love with any girl at first sight, but she did choose to forgive Master PhD for not keeping her promise. Still, it did not mean that her heart would be absolutely devoid of malice.

Zhao Youyue apparently believed that Chu Xuan, a template character, had the potential to be iconic. "Zhang Yanwei" did not have a template to follow, so she could only depend on her own effort. If readers did not take notice of all her hard work, why continue?