A Laughing Stock?

In just a short while, Yuan Shawu's name shot up among the ranks. Well, she did not even need to reveal her sword skills in the first place; she could still attract everyone's attention with her brand new appearance.

In a third-rate high school like this, having good grades may not be as good as a beautiful appearance. You could only have a sense of presence if you looked beautiful. Even the top students in this poor school could not be compared to those from Key High Schools. The best students might not even be able to get into a Key University [1], let alone a famous one.

However, there was no doubt that Yuan Wusha's original classmates would not have expected her to undergo such a huge change. Overnight, that previously gloomy otaku had become a confident girl with a bright personality, and she even knew how to fight! She could easily compete for a position as a gang leader in this third-rate high school!