The Throne’s Secret

In fact, Marvin already knew. And this was the core of the second part of his plan.

Why had Diggles never left his throne?

Because if he did, he would expose his biggest flaw!

If this flaw was exploited by Marvin, Diggles and his Decaying Plateau would be completely destroyed.

But to do this, he had to make Diggles leave his throne, or at least move it a bit.

Even if it was just a little bit, Marvin would have an opportunity.


The Legends' hearts sank when they heard Marvin.

Marvin had warned them to expect the Shadow Prince. But they weren't prepared to fight any other gods!

Especially the Plague God, who was an Ancient God. Although his strength was relatively weak, he had many ancient Divine Spells.

Even if it was an avatar, it would still be very troublesome to handle.

But no matter what, since they had already come to the Decaying Plateau, everyone was ready to fight to the end!