A Hole on the Grave

The second victim of the Lost Hand Case, Yuan Lili, had her hand chopped off while she was sleeping at home. The chances of solving burglary attacks like this were usually quite high, but only Yuan Lili’s case was unsolved. There were numerous security cameras in the surrounding district, but there was no sign of any suspects, which had perplexed the police. What method had the culprit used?

When Zhao Yu saw Li Dan’s detailed plan, he finally realized how she had done it! If the keyword for Gao Tian’s case was "vent," then the keyword for Yuan Lili’s case would be "ladder!"

Last month, Li Dan had taken a retractable ladder, and climbed up to the building next to Yuan Lili’s house. There was a distance of five meters between that building and Yuan Lili’s apartment. After the ladder had been set up, it could be placed between the two buildings, acting as a bridge.