How Could You Just Take My Phone?

 Zhao Yu’s sudden yell like a bomb instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

 "You are…" The secretary-like female looked at Zhao Yu. Even though she saw Zhao Yu’s police uniform, she still reached for the black bag without a care.

 "Don’t move!" Zhao Yu’s yell not only shocked the lady, but all the onlookers shivered. "Believe me!" Zhao Yu pointed at the police insignia on his uniform. "I’ve been following this terrorist for a long time! This is definitely not a joke!" He used his phone and pointed at the bag. The phone immediately started ringing with the sound of a siren.

 "Ah!" Zhao Yu first yelled out in shock himself, then immediately started backing off. Everyone became even more intimidated and immediately moved back. The lady who had tried to pick up the bag had already run out of the building faster than what anybody could see.