What? Group Blind Date?!

"Hurry up, let's go to the hospital!" Zhao Yu's mother grabbed Zhao Yu's hand and dragged him. "How could this be? Your head is bald, you have no hair! Your face is swollen! Oh, my son!" The old lady sounded dreadful. "Why did you have to be a policeman? I told you, run and hide when there's danger. No wonder you didn't even come back for the Dragon Boat Festival! Aiya, hurry up! Let's go to the hospital in case there is something wrong with your head…" Zhao Yu's mother was dragging Zhao Yu out and Daheng was barking at the old lady.

"Mum, Moooom…" Zhao Yu seemed flustered as the old lady bossed him around. "Listen to me, this was not from work. I accidentally fell, I swear! Don't, don't, don't…I just came back from the hospital. I already saw a doctor! Hey, Daheng! That's enough. Any more barking, and I will have some dog meat…" Suddenly, the house was in chaos. Zhao Yu was sweating all over.