I Like Eggs

Zhao Yu was asleep when the detectives took him as being a god of war.

He had not slept well for a long time, but now, he slept with a loud snoring and kept falling into dreamland.

The only small imperfection was that he had a particularly strange dream, in which he dreamed that Miao Ying was seriously injured and needed a blood transfusion from Zhao Yu. But after a blood test, he found that she and Zhao Yu were siblings!

Because of this dream, Zhao Yu almost awoke in fright, even having goosebumps after he woke up in the morning! After the dream lingering in his mind, Zhao Yu suddenly thought of its key point. Ultimately, he had such a strange dream because of his Miracle System.

His life would be fulfilled with a lot of unreasonable coincidences, as long as there was the presence of this Miracle System! Thereupon, after waking up today, Zhao Yu did not practice the hexagram as usual, he even endured not practicing it upon sneezing and coughing, either.