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"We have investigated thoroughly," Zhang said over the phone. "Chen Bingguang dates countless women. Three months ago, he got to know a new mistress, who he was messing around with at his home. Then, when he was showering, he somehow got gas poisoning! He was in a coma ever since that time!"

"But, I went to talk to the local policemen, who were at the scene. They said that the gas poisoning was most likely an accident. Then, they said that the mistress lost her life, too! Apparently, all of the rescue measures proved ineffectual, so she died in the hospital that same day! Also, since it was such disgraceful news, it was declared to have been the result of a sudden attack!"

"Oh…" Zhao Yu creased his eyebrows, pondering this seriously. Although it seemed to have been an accident, other possibilities shouldn't be eliminated. If there was someone, who intended to frame Chen Bingguang, it wouldn't have been too difficult.