Special Investigator

"Zhao Yu, are you crazy?" Liao Jingxian roared, as he slammed into the back of the front seat. "What is going to be an adventure? The three of us came here to talk to you nicely, but you treated us like this…"

"It's alright. Let's witness this adventure, then!" Captain Jin Zhenbang took out a cigarette and was going to light it up.

"Hey! Stop it!" Zhao Yu roared in anger. "Anyone who dared smoke in my car has entered ICU after doing so!"

"Yeah, Jin!" Bureau Chief Zhou Andong supported, "Be civilized, alright? Don't make me take in second-hand smoke!"

"Zhao Yu, where exactly are you taking us?" Liao Jingxian creased his eyebrows and said, "What is so urgent? Can you tell us?"

"You'll know when we get there. Here…" Zhao Yu threw them the parcel and said rudely, "Open the parcel for me! I haven't seen it yet!"