Breaking Into a Private Residence

Jinping Police Station, interrogation room.

Pang Yong, from the thieves gang, looked dumbfounded, as he sat before Zhao Yu while being interrogated. Zhao Yu wanted to know everything about Cui Lizhu's theft.

"Police officer, what happened was," dealing with Zhao Yu's interrogation, Pang Yong didn't dare to hide, but immediately confessed everything, "about a month ago, we found a target. There was a Chinese man that had returned from overseas. He bought a villa on Hu An Street, and immediately installed a safe box there."

He continued. "We thought that, if he were to install such an expensive safe box, naturally, there would be something priceless in that safe box. So, we started eyeing it. But, just as we prepared to take action to get to it, we suddenly found out that someone had beaten us to it! After we asked around, we realized that the person was most likely our junior, Cui Lizhu!"