Exploited Grudge

In the middle of the night, in one of the luxurious bath parlors in Jinping, the gentlemen's department

Enjoying the steam, Zhao Yu, Zeng Ke, and Ran Tao soaked in the bathing pool at a comforting hot spring spa.

"Team Leader, the psychology expert is okay, right?" Ran Tao, who was sitting to Zhao Yu's right, asked with concern. "If she were to cut her artery, that would be no joking matter!"

"She's okay!" Zeng Ke, who was on Zhao Yu's left, replied on his behalf. "The doctor said that the glass didn't cut her artery. It was merely an external injury. However, just in case, she's being hospitalized. We can go and get her tomorrow morning."

"That's great!" Ran Tao let out a breath of relief. "I was really worried. If she were to die, there would be no one to argue with me anymore!"