The Embalming Accidentally Revealed a Secret

In order to not attract Wu Fangfang's and the others' attentions, Ran Tao and Wu Xiumin brought Cui Lizhu to a professional dentist to do an examination. In the end, they certified that Tao Xiang had not lied to Cui Lizhu.

She was really born in 1996, which meant that, when her biological father passed away, she was only two years old. Moreover, Zhao Yu had used an Invisible Appraiser to determine the date of the photo. The Appraiser had shown that the photo had been printed in 1998, which was the crucial year!

Plus, Zeng Ke had finally found more information on Cui Lizhu's mother. It turns out that she didn't pass away due to illness, but a tragic accident. At that time, Cui Lizhu was not even one month old!