
The level of the interrogation was obviously different for this case. The higher ups from the Nanjiang Provincial Office and the Bai Ling Police Station never thought that there would be a day that the suspect of the Headless Female Corpses Case in Jinzhong would be interrogated within their area of jurisdiction!

Although the Bai Ling Police Station had the biggest interrogation room, there was still a sea of people to be accommodated. This resulted in an overflow, as people were both inside the room, as well as lining the corridors outside of the room.

In the monitoring room, Division Chief Jiao Guofeng, who had the highest rank, naturally took the seat that was right in the middle. The other higher ups and professional technical staff were seated around her. In the end, only the bureau chief of the Bai Ling Police Station managed to squeeze into the room, while the other higher ups could only wait outside.