King of Vegetable Field Roller Skating

No way! How could he... When Zhao Yu saw that the big man, who he had just hit, drooped his head and lay there stiffly like a zombie, he realized that the man had broken his neck!

How is this possible? Zhao Yu looked at his fist in surprise. He never imagined that he could kill such a strong man with a single blow!

It was only then that he realized that his Energy Booster was still working. In the past, an Energy Booster lasted only 5 or 10 minutes, but this time, it had lasted 15 minutes. This, coupled with his own full strength, had resulted in the big man's demise!

Despite the fact that Zhao Yu was arrogant and prone to violence, he was no murderer! He didn't mean to kill this man! It was purely an accident!

Unlike when he had killed Cui Xiaolong, this time, Zhao Yu had an uncomfortable feeling that tugged at his heart. It was a deep regret, and even some angst.