True Is False and False Is True

"Team Leader, in that case..." Cui Lizhu frowned and said, "Let's go back to the hospital first."

"Yes..." Officer Wang said.

He then asked, "Now that we have found the real murderer, we don't have to go to the crime scene, do we?"

"And..." Cui Lizhu then pointed to Ma Laodan and Song Meili and said, "Those two people have heard what we said, so it's better that we detain them now!"

Song Meili clearly disliked Cui Lizhu, and she asked her angrily, "What do you mean? Do you think that we actually care about what you just said? Your case is none of our business, okay? Don't look down on us, little miss policewoman."

"Stop..." Ma Laodan knew about Zhao Yu's bad temper, so he quickly stopped Song Meili.