Possibility of Prison Break

Zhao Yu stared at the new hexagram with his eyes open wide. Maybe he was too tired or had expected this to come in another way, but he didn't give a very dramatic response.

He blinked his eyes to confirm the magnificent Kun Qian on the system interface again. Zhao Yu smacked his lips hard and inhaled cool air.

I now know why you didn't give me a hexagram yesterday! You are preparing for this big surprise for me! Zhao Yu was excited.

Once upon a time, he had imagined what it would be like if one day he would open a Qian Kun, which was a combined hexagram in which Kun referred to a big event that was going to happen. Zhao Yu never expected a Kun Qian to appear instead of a Qian Kun.

He thought, Why did Kun came in front of Qian? Would it be better than Qian Kun or worse?