Jiang Ke, Run!

Zhao Yu was shocked by this unexpected event. Jiang Ke and Tian Xudong were shocked as well and yelled loudly


Although the van was inside the supermarket, the crashing sound didn't stop. Broken glass covered the floor, and the supermarket was a big mess.

Zhao Yu quickly hid behind the door of the small warehouse and carefully looked outside. The yellow van was only ten meters away from him. Because the front wheels e stuck in one of the counters, the an couldn't move Although the engine was still roaring, the wheels just made a horrible squealing sound.

Zhao Yu was shocked when he saw the van. How could it be here? Is this the van that the mysterious man arranged for Jiang Ke's escape? But wasn't it destroyed?

Tian Xudong opened the supermarket door and ran inside. He had no idea what was happening. The only thing he saw was the terrible mess in the hall.