A Fiercer Thief King

Zhao Yu hit Liu Wenjun heavily, and Liu Wenjun fell on the ground next to the elevator.

Zhao Yu rushed forward and hit Liu Wenjun's head with the computer case. After only a few attacks, it was torn apart.

Liu Wenjun was miserable. The top of his head was bleeding, and he trembled all over. But, he did not dare to move or even moan.

However, Zhao Yu still didn't want to stop. He grabbed a metal swivel chair, and waved it around above Big Bear Zhang's head.

Sanlong and others were really frightened! If Zhao Yu hit Big Bear Zhang's head with the chair, it would be impossible for him to survive it. 

They quickly stopped Zhao Yu. Sanlong whispered in Zhao Yu's ear, "Boss, Big Bear Zhang has a close relationship with the investors. We can't kill him!"

Sanlong also said, "Liu Wenjun can't die. The golf course needs a manager."

Zhao Yu held up the chair and asked icily, "Are you threatening me?"