Remember What You Said

Cough cough… Cough cough… 

Cheng Lingfei's condition didn't seem to be much better than Zhao Yu's. After crawling on the floor for some time, she finally managed to make her way out of the plane. She stopped moving several times, and Zhao Yu even thought she had fainted at one point. However, she was just gasping for breath on the floor. 

After regaining her breath, she seemed to remember something and hurriedly turned around, crawling back towards the cabin. Could it be…? Zhao Yu tensed up. Was Cheng Lingfei crawling back to get the pistol? Thinking of this, Zhao Yu increased his pace in an effort to subdue her before she could do anything. When he was behind her, he unexpectedly found her using all her strength to pull a boy out of the helicopter. Even though she wasn't speaking, her actions and facial expressions made it clear she was very anxious.

Despite her best efforts, she lacked the strength to pull the boy out. Furthermore, the boy was unconscious.