The Curse Of Inauspicious Mouth

"Haven't I always said there's no free lunch in this world? Nobody will give you something for nothing!" Zhao Yu said broodingly, relaying Chief Jiao's message after putting down the phone.

"That's great, that's great!" Cui Lizhu said, unexpectedly jumping up and down in surprise upon hearing what was said. "We can finally find the treasure!"

"Hey! This doesn't seem like a good thing." Zhang Jingfeng frowned. "The deadline is in two months! How are we supposed to find a treasure that hasn't be found in 80 years in such a short time span? They're obviously giving us a hard time on purpose. How can you still say this is great? I really don't get you…"

"Heh heh…" Li Beini laughed, looking at Zhao Yu seriously. "Leader, earlier you said that finding the treasure was a fool's game, why did it come true so quickly?"