Terrible Threats

The next morning, in the office of Feng Ping police station.

Li Beini looked at Zhao Yu and asked sincerely, "I'm the one who was on the night shift yesterday, and you look much worse than me. Did you stay up all night?" Li Beini was right. Zhao Yu looked pale and haggard. He hardly slept at all last night. However, his insomnia was not due to anything emotional, nor was it because of his dedication to his work, but rather, it was due to his injuries.

It turned out that Xiao Hang's punch to Zhao Yu's throat had been so rough that he had suffered serious, constant pain afterward. Although he had used a Respirator to ease his pain, when he lied down, he found it hard to breathe. Because of this, he sat up through most of the night. Zhao Yu would rather lie than admit that he was suffering. He said, "This is how I roll."